If you are a beginner and new to fencing you will initially be taught the following to start you on your fencing journey:
- Explanation of the 3 weapons (Foil, Epée, and Sabre)
- Explanation of the Target Area for each weapon
- Safety rules for fencing
- Basic On Guard position
- The importance of Footwork (movement)
- How to carry the weapon
- The 4 On Guard positions (Sixte, Quarte, Septime, and Octave)
- Simple Attacks
- Basic Parries
- Introduction to a competitive bout
- Introduction to Fencing Time and Fencing Etiquette
It doesn't matter how old or how fit you are, the beauty of fencing is that everyone can participate at their own level and get something out of it. All we ask beginners to bring along are non-marking trainers and track suit or jogging bottoms (not jeans, baggy trousers, shorts or anything with open pockets).
We have plenty of kit and equipment that you can borrow. However, in these times you may wish to purchase your own, we can offer advice and guidance on this as required.
Once you have navigated the beginner phase of your fencing journey we will assist you in taking your new found skills to the next level and beyond.